Futurología Puruhá
Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo) ESPOCH Library Building
Riobamba, Ecuador
*Futurologiá Puruhá* is a new mural for the @festivalnumu in Riobamba, the heart of Ecuador and the Andes.
This mural was conceived in collaboration with the university, its students, faculty and as a reflection of local culture, history and my own experience during this mural festival. The people depicted are students and the main portrait is based on a young local artist, @dabf_ec whose image is now a monumental proxy for the act of imagining and looking at the stars.
The mural is a result of my ignorance, an act of reflection upon a part of the world I have never been to. This investigation created a series of symbols and imagery pulled from local history, culture, geography and fauna - inspiring and grounding totems for my inner self.
This mural is a question and hopefully a mirror to some part of its audience. A question that asks were are we going in the future? Where are we now? Where do we come from and who are you in this long narrative toward an imagined future?
Esté mural toma forma tras una investigación sobre la cultura local y el trabajo de la politécnica. Las personas retratadas son parte de archivos visuales de estudiantes y un retrato del joven artista local @dabf_ec ~ gracias bro. Las referencias y símbolos hablan de cultura local, patrones basados en textiles #Puruhá, flora y geografía que es cotidiana y al mismo tiempo permanente en la historia.
Esta narrativa habla de el pasado para imaginar el futuro. Este mural no te dicta un hecho, solo te quiere preguntar a donde vamos, de donde venimos y en donde estamos? Cual será el futuro de los descendientes del pueblo Puruhá y cuando llegarán a la luna? A qué lugar nos proyectamos en el futuro, desde este momento de crisis global?