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Finished front view of collaborative mural between Ricardo Cabret, Don Rimx, Mata Ruda, Gaia and myself for Color Libre's at La Respuesta in Santurce, Puerto Rico. The final synthesis of our weeks of shared experience, conversation, research and ideas mixed into an allegory of the roots of Puerto Rican cultural identity: depicted is a contemporary representation of the #Eleggua, the Orisha master of paths and crossroads, mixed in with the #African #cowrie along with a #yoruba bronze statue, Ferdinand I of Aragon, the first 4 Governors of the island, advertisement as pop-up ads, fire, wind, water and earth which continue to wrap into the other side of the building. That side leading to the sliding doors of La Respuesta activates and breaks up the composition when the venue is open. Depicted is Java code that creates and image of a Puerto Rican jungle on fire against a photograph of El Yunque National Forest along with more advertisement pop up ads, water, the caverns of Camuy and a depiction of a statue commemorating the moment when Tainos tested the godliness of their oppressors and proceeded to kidnap and drown the Spaniard Diego Salcedo, which then ignited the Taíno rebellion of 1511.

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