Mama Qucha (Madre de las Aguas) para @fiestadecolorescanoa • este es un mural basado en un retrato de Estelica, una señora de Canoa que se presto a posar por una foto, ella representa a la diosa de las Aguas, Mama Cocha, venerada protectora de la cultura Inca. El mural crea un espacio simbólico donde existe la Luna, esculturas de la cultura Jama-Coaque, conchas del mar y palmas que representan nueva vida.
Romper para crecer / to break means to grow.
This mural was painted for the city of Canoa in Ecuador for the project Fiesta de Colores. It is based on a portrait of Estelica, a local resident, that stands in for the deity Mama Cocha or the goddess of the sea for the Inca Empire. The mural also portraits Jama-Coaque sculptures and fruits of the sea and land with the symbology of a seashell and the green decorative palms found all over the coast. Together with the changing moon the mural speaks of change, of trauma and of growth that come from falling and getting up again.