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“Una gota rompe la piedra”
14 Jersey Ave. New Brunswick, NJ

A mural made for the Esperanza Neighborhood Project and @colabarts in New Brunswick, NJ. Based on visits and design workshops with the migrant community of the city, this mural reflects on the ties uniting families, the past, the future, diasporic cultures and celebrates the resilience found during these journeys. When we spoke about the future, some of the community responses included “the future is not promised” “our dreams are the dreams of our kids” “I don’t want to be absent from my family” or feeling of “Having my hands tied” “I feel incarcerated in this country” “we live day to day” “temor eterno” y “quiero tener una mejor vida” This mural is for those families and those dreams of a better future and a less oppressive and unjust present.

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